Sonntag, April 29, 2007


i'm melting away - it's so hot! everyday, the media tell us that we have the hottest april ever but also the driest. people think we have summer but don't realize that it's spring. we've had the fourth bbq now and today i'm going on holiday - fleeing from the city to the landscape.

for my greek turtle it's just the right weather, he enjoys it very much.

Mittwoch, April 25, 2007


kfc in the usa has a new tv-ad for this product. watch this video and see if you can hear the so called mosquito tone. this tone is so high-pitched that not all people can hear it, so check it out (by the way, i can hear it). this is also why a lot of teenagers use this tone as their ring-tone as especially older people can't hear it. the whole story to this promo-ad you'll find here.

Dienstag, April 24, 2007

before and after


well, we had more cakes, from which we are still eating, but they were on the other side of the table

and after again

Sonntag, April 22, 2007


Samstag, April 21, 2007

s.'s b'day

tomorrow's big s.'s birthday, which means eating and eating and presents and presents. anything else? let's wait and see...

Donnerstag, April 19, 2007


read at sarawu's blog how my jogging workout is going. next month i'm going to take part in a 5 k city run and i'm not sporty enough yet. so we (today even with another guy) meet twice a week and exercise.

nächsten monat habe ich vor, an einem 5 km stadtlauf teilzunehmen und muss dafür noch einiges tun. deshalb treffe ich mich 2 mal die woche mit sarawu (heute waren wir sogar zu dritt). in ihrem blog könnt ihr auch noch mehr über unsere fortschritte lesen.

Mittwoch, April 18, 2007

my website

as graphs:

What do the colors mean?

blue: for links (the A tag)
red: for tables (TABLE, TR and TD tags)
green: for the DIV tag
violet: for images (the IMG tag)
yellow: for forms (FORM, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT and OPTION tags)
orange: for linebreaks and blockquotes (BR, P, and BLOCKQUOTE tags)
black: the HTML tag, the root node
gray: all other tags
[edit]: i don't believe in it, ev'ry time i tried it again, there was a different picture

Dienstag, April 17, 2007


dear yu, as i can't comment on your blog (sorry, i don't wanna get this windows live id) and i know that you read mine, here's my question: what do you mean with "the information conference"? is there a new building on the campus? well, seems as if i really have to see it... butt don't forget that you have to come first and visit me here. ;o) right?

Montag, April 16, 2007


should you ever feel bored on a monday evening, try this, it's pretty much fun

dies ist das produkt eines langweiligen montagabends. solltet ihr auch unbedingt mal ausprobieren.

sunny sunday

just a few kilometers from my home you'll find this. i go there from time to time.

we had a sunny lunch in a cosy restaurant, yummy ice-cream afterwards and for dinner we ate a big pizza. perfect sunday.

Sonntag, April 15, 2007


this april-weekend was (is) hot. summer, so to say, has already started. and that is why we had our first bbq in 2007 yesterday.

sorry, daisies that i have to lie on you so early this year!

da der sommer sich entschlossen hat, nun schon im april zu beginnen, wurden gestern die sommerreifen aufgezogen und das erste mal gegrillt.

Samstag, April 14, 2007


from our balcony

viele grüße von unserem frühlingshaften balkon, auch wenn das wetter an diesem wochenende eher sommerlich ist.

Donnerstag, April 12, 2007

what's left

this is all what's left from my easter chocolate

das ist alles, was von meiner osterschokolade übrig geblieben ist

Dienstag, April 10, 2007

nietzsche in naumburg

naumburg is a beautiful old city in saxony-anhalt, germany, with many places of interest, such as the cathedral and the friedrich-nietzsche-house.

nietzsche, the german philosopher, lived here from 1890-1897

critical look at one of nietzsche's books

Montag, April 09, 2007

holidays in thuringia, germany

short summary: i visited the city of gera, the leuchtenburg (medieval festival), schloss molsdorf, burg gleichen, eisenach, jena, naumburg and leipzig during the last couple of days. some tourist-photos from germany:


schloss molsdorf

burg gleichen


das osterwochenende habe ich in thüringen verbracht, mit viel kultur und natur, denn ja, nicht nur die beste wurst kommt von hier, es gibt auch viel zu sehen.

largest creme egg

i'm back from my days off from university (accompanied by lots of CHOCOLATE) and found this on the internet: the largest cadbury creme egg

link and image: pimpthatsnack

Freitag, April 06, 2007


don't expect any posts during the next days because i'll be away (easter vacation). wish you all a very happy easter!
frohe ostern euch allen!

Mittwoch, April 04, 2007

peak district

one year ago, in the peak district, england

Dienstag, April 03, 2007


a little bit of reading, a little bit of sleeping... a sunny afternoon on a river... that's how i like it...
more please!

Montag, April 02, 2007

last night

link and image: bytrico
this book is actually a pillow

i really looked like this man here. wrote a term paper till 5 a.m., slept 2 hours, got up at 7 a.m.and handed in my paper at 9 a.m.
i still feel good due to a nice afternoon. tomorrow more.
but now a picture of the books i had to work through. i'm so glad it's over!

so wie der mann oben (dies ist übrigens ein kissen in buchgestalt) sah ich diese nacht wahrscheinlich auch aus. musste bis 5 uhr morgens noch ne hausarbeit schreiben (heute ging das neue semester los), habe mir dann 2 stunden schlaf gegönnt, um schließlich 7 uhr wieder aufzustehen und um 9 die hausarbeit abzugeben (rechtzeitig bevor der prof kam).

mir geht es trotzdem recht gut, schließlich bin ich noch fertig geworden und habe dann einen angenehmen nachmittag verbracht. morgen mehr.


had my first lunch on the balcony this year
chili con carne