Dienstag, Oktober 23, 2007


10 Kommentare:

impwork hat gesagt…

I look at that picture and I can see a thought balloon over the cats head "Armour plated mice?"

Great picture. Great WW :-)

jams o donnell hat gesagt…

Great shot The cat must be thinking how it's going to get at the food inside the shell. Happy WW

Anonym hat gesagt…

I LOVE turtles!! That cat looks like he might want it for dinner though. happy WW.

choconet hat gesagt…

@bodhipaksa: Nope. It's a Greek one.

SandyCarlson hat gesagt…

I probably look like this when I'm ogling a lobster tank!

Sandee hat gesagt…

I could scratch its eyes out. I know I could. What a great shot. Have a great WW. :)

KC hat gesagt…

what a great shot
Happy WW

Tanya hat gesagt…

gorgeous cat! he looks like he wants to eat that turtle :)

Natalie hat gesagt…

What an interesting shot!

Serena hat gesagt…

That is a nice photo. I used to have tortoise as pets. But they grew too big to care for.