Montag, November 05, 2007

choconets goes wild

choconet - the lio-gib-iger-tortoise what's wild about me?
African Lion mane - Looking good! Male African lions use their thick, dark manes to attract mates. well, i'm female but that doesn't matter. my family and boyfriend sometimes tell me that i look like a lion because of my wild hair.
Gibbon arms - Your Gibbon arms are designed especially for swinging in trees. With these arms you can jump distances of over 20 feet from branch to branch. they looked most human-like. i think that's useful.
Siberian tiger legs - You are a very hairy tiger. Siberian tigers have thicker and longer hair than most tigers because they live in Siberia, where average temperatures get as low as -5ºF. Good thing you have a warm coat. and i'm fast.
Radiated tortoise shell - Why is your Radiated tortoise shell shaped like a dome? Scientists think the shell's shape helps tortoises flip over whenever they get stuck on their back. i have a tortoise myself and this shell is quite useful as well - you always come back down to earth.

what's wild about you?

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